Program at a Glance

as of September 10, 2024

  Room A
(Monterosso, B1F)
Room B
(Vernazza, 3F)
Room C
(Forum 1, 3F)
Room D
(Forum 2, 3F)
October 13 (SUN)
13:00-18:00 300' Short Course   Registration
18:30-20:00 90' Welcome Reception (Blue Seagull, 2F)    
October 14 (MON)
09:00-09:20 20' Opening Ceremony (Monterosso, B1F)   Registration &
09:20-10:00 40' [Plenary Session 1] Prof. Hao-Chung Kuo
(Nat’l Yang Ming Chiao Tung Univ., Taiwan)
"GaN Micro-LED Array for Chip-to-Chip Interconnection"
(Monterosso, B1F)
10:00-10:40 40' [Plenary Session 2] Prof. Suda Jun
(Nagoya Univ., Japan)
"Vertical GaN Power Devices on GaN Substrates"
(Monterosso, B1F)
10:40-11:00 20' Coffee Break
11:00-12:25 85' [MA1] [MB1] [MC1]
Symposium GL: III-N Materials and Lighting Devices (1/7) Symposium GE: III-N Materials and Electronic Devices (1/7)
Symposium SiC: SiC Materials and Devices (1/4)
12:25-13:45 80' Lunch (Blue Seagull, 2F)
13:45-15:55 130' [MA2] [MB2] [MC2] 
Symposium GL: III-N Materials and Lighting Devices (2/7) Symposium GE: III-N Materials and Electronic Devices (2/7)
Symposium SiC: SiC Materials and Devices (2/4)
15:55-16:15 20' Coffee Break
16:15-18:30 135' [MA3] [MB3] [MC3]
Symposium GL: III-N Materials and Lighting Devices (3/7) Symposium GE: III-N Materials and Electronic Devices (3/7) Symposium SiC: SiC Materials and Devices (3/4)
October 15 (TUE)
09:00-09:40 40' [Plenary Session 3] Prof. Bo Shen
(Peking Univ., China)
"Recent Progress on the Large Lattice Mis-Matched Epitaxial Growth and Defect Control of III-Nitride Semiconductors"
(Monterosso, B1F)
  Registration &
09:40-10:00 20' Coffee Break
10:00-12:15 135' [TA1] [TB1] [TC1]
Special Session: BN Materials and Devices (1/3) Symposium GE: III-N Materials and Electronic Devices (4/7) Symposium SiC: SiC Materials and Devices (4/4)
12:15-13:35 80' Lunch (Blue Seagull, 2F)
13:35-15:10 95' [TA2] [TB2] [TC2] [TD1]
Special Session: BN Materials and Devices (2/3) Symposium GE: III-N Materials and Electronic Devices (5/7) Symposium GaO: Ga2O3 Materials and Electronic Devices (1/6)
Wide-Bandgap Semiconductor Quantum Devices 1
15:10-15:30 20' Coffee Break  
15:30-16:55 85' [TA3] [TB3] [TC3] [TD2]
Special Session: BN Materials and Devices (3/3) Symposium GE: III-N Materials and Electronic Devices (6/7)
Symposium GaO: Ga2O3 Materials and Electronic Devices (2/6)
Wide-Bandgap Semiconductor Quantum Devices 2
16:55-17:00 05' Break  
17:00-18:25 85' [TA4] [TB4] [TC4] [TD3]
Symposium GL: III-N Materials and Lighting Devices (4/7) Symposium GE: III-N Materials and Electronic Devices (7/7)
Symposium GaO: Ga2O3 Materials and Electronic Devices (3/6)
Novel Devices
October 16 (WED)
09:00-10:40 100' [WA1] [WB1] [WC1]   Registration &
Symposium GL: III-N Materials and Lighting Devices (5/7)
Symposium GaO: Ga2O3 Materials and Electronic Devices (4/6) Special Session: Diamond Materials and Devices (1/3)
10:40-11:00 20' Coffee Break
11:00-12:20 80' [WA2] [WB2] [WC2]
Symposium GL: III-N Materials and Lighting Devices (6/7) Symposium GaO: Ga2O3 Materials and Electronic Devices (5/6) Special Session: Diamond Materials and Devices (2/3)
12:20-13:40 80' Lunch (Blue Seagull, 2F)
13:40-17:15 215' [WA3] [WB3] [WC3]
Symposium GL: III-N Materials and Lighting Devices (7/7) Symposium GaO: Ga2O3 Materials and Electronic Devices (6/6)
Special Session: Diamond Materials and Devices (3/3)
17:15-18:30 - Break (Move to the Banquet Place)
18:30-20:30 120' Banquet (The Westin Josun Busan)
October 17 (THU)
09:00-10:30 90' Poster Session 1 (Vernazza, 3F) & Poster Session 2 (Forum 1, 3F) Registration &
10:30-10:50 20' Coffee Break
10:50-11:30 40' [Plenary Session 4] Prof. Debdeep Jena
(Cornell Univ., USA)
"New Discoveries that are Unleashing Ultrawide Bandgap Semiconductor Electronics"
(Monterosso, B1F)
11:30-12:10 40' [Plenary Session 5] CTO Samuel Cho
(RFHIC, Korea)
"GaN Device-Based Radio Frequency and Microwave Technology"
(Monterosso, B1F)
12:10-12:20 10' Award & Closing Ceremony (Monterosso, B1F)

* Special Session: Gallium Oxide Technology Seminar

  • Date & Time: October 17, 2024 (Thu) / 13:30~15:00
  • Location: Forum 2, 3F
  • Speakers
    • Prof. Xiaohang Li(KAUST)
      Ga2O3 devices and ICs for extreme environments
    • Prof. Jinwoo Hwang(Ohio State Univ.)
      Atomic Scale Characterization of Defects and Structure of Ga2O3 Materials and Interfaces